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Married Couples on Tinder in Non-Monogamous Relationships. Married people in ethical non-monogamous relationships have a different kind of agreement. It allows their partner to date other people. It can include open relationships, polyamory, swinging, monogamish relationships, polygamy, and relationship anarchy. Most of them are honest about it. I've been on POF for a year now, I know it's terrible and takes forever to score a date and get to go out with someone. But honest to God, it's just mind boggling, 3 women so far have lied to me at first, and lied on their profile about being married! PlentyOfFish is easily the biggest of the top dating sites. In terms of the number of registered.

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Marriage is a huge commitment, both personally and financially. That’s just one of the reasons today’s couples — Millennials especially — are waiting to tie the knot later in life. If you’re ready to say yes to a serious relationship with your partner without making the. There are plenty of people eager to make new connections on Plenty of Fish.

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Which Synastry Aspects indicate marriage?

Determining marriage from a synastry chart can be challenging. Sometimes, “obvious” marriage indicators (i.e. planets in each other’s 7th house) fail to predict a couple’s future. After studying several synastry charts of married/long-lasting couples, there were a few aspects which stood out to me.

Squares to the North Node: These aspects are said to be indicators of star-crossed lovers. The nodal axis represents our life’s path: the South Node represents “where we’ve been,” while the North Node represents “where we’re going.” Squares to this axis in synastry indicate an instant feeling of familiarity and attraction to one another. It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. The planet person may be part of an unresolved issue the North Node is carrying from the past, and must resolve in this life.

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Some examples:

  • Angelina Jolie’s Moon and Mars square Brad Pitt’s North Node
  • Paul Newman’s Sun squares Joanne Woodward’s North Node, and Joanne’s MC squares Paul’s North Node
  • Victoria Beckham’s Moon squares David’s North Node, Victoria’s North Node squares David’s vertex
  • Linda McCartney’s North Node squares Paul McCartney’s Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter
  • Cash Warren’s ascendant is square Jessica Alba’s North Node
  • Prince William’s Pluto squares Kate Middleton’s North Node, Kate’s Mars squares Will’s North Node
  • Julia Roberts’ Mars squares Danny Morder’s North Node
  • Oprah’s North Node squares Stedman’s Jupiter
  • Bill Clinton’s Sun squares Hillary’s North Node
  • Frank Sinatra’s North Node squares Nancy Sinatra’s Moon and Jupiter
  • Ava Gardner’s North Node squares Frank Sinatra’s Sun, Frank’s Jupiter squares Ava’s North Node

Planets in conjunction or opposition to another’s Vertex: The Vertex acts like a second Ascendant, while the anti-Vertex is like a second Descendant. The Vertex is often referred to as our “point of fate.” As a result, when someone’s planet or point conjuncts your Vertex or anti-Vertex, you feel drawn towards this person. The relationship feels fated, and can indeed change your life. You feel destined to be together, and this feeling can easily last a lifetime. One person’s North Node conjunct or opposite another person’s Vertex are apparently very common aspects to find among married partners.

Some examples:

  • Angelina’s Venus/Ascendant conjunct Brad’s Vertex, Brad’s Ascendant conjuncts Angelina’s Vertex
  • Frank Sinatra’s Vertex opposes Nancy Sinatra’s Venus, Nancy’s Vertex opposes Frank’s Part of Fortune
  • Paul Newman’s Moon conjuncts Joanne Woodward’s anti-Vertex; Joanne’s Moon and Mars conjunct Paul’s Vertex. Their Vertexes are conjunct.
  • Victoria Beckham’s anti-Vertex is conjunct David Beckham’s Mercury and opposite North Node.
  • Paul McCartney’s Vertex is conjunct Linda’s South Node
  • Prince William’s Vertex opposite Kate’s Venus
  • Julia Roberts’ North Node is conjunct Danny Morder’s anti-Vertex; Julia’s anti-Vertex is conjunct Danny’s Sun and Mercury. In addition, Danny’s North Node is conjunct Julia’s anti-Vertex
  • Oprah’s Mars conjuncts Stedman’s Vertex, Stedman’s Neptune is conjunct Oprah’s Vertex
  • Hillary Clinton’s Vertex is opposite Bill Clinton’s Moon

Part of Fortune: I was surprised to see how often conjunctions and oppositions of one person’s planets or points to another person’s Part of Fortune occurred in the charts of married couples! The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a person’s Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. The POF is a point that indicates good fortune. When another person’s planets or points conjunct or oppose your POF, they will likely help you increase your wealth and happiness, and achieve your goals. According to Robert Hand, the POF is also an indicator of the physical body and its relationships with the social world. Thus, it makes sense that POF aspects in synastry are often found in the synastry charts of married couples.

  • Joanne Woodwards’s POF is conjunct Paul Newman’s Sun
  • David Beckham’s Sun is conjunct Victoria’s POF, and David’s POF is conjunct Victoria’s Mars and Saturn
  • Paul McCartney’s POF is conjunct Linda’s Moon and Venus
  • Cash Warren’s POF is conjunct Jessica Alba’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction
  • Prince William’s POF is opposite Kate Middleton’s POF, Kate’s POF is conjunct Wills’ North Node
  • Danny Morder’s POF is conjunct Julia Roberts’ Mercury, Danny’s Vertex is conjunct Julia’s POF
  • Stedman’s POF is conjunct Oprah’s Jupiter, Oprah’s POF is conjunct Stedman’s Sun, Mercury, and North Node
  • John Lennon’s POF is conjunct Yoko Ono’s POF
  • Hillary Clinton’s POF is opposite Bill’s Mercury and Saturn
  • Frank Sinatra’s POF is conjunct Nancy’s Anti-Vertex
  • Ava Gardner’s POF is opposite Frank Sinatra’s Sun and Mercury

Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. When one person’s Venus contacts another person’s Venus, your love styles are similar. You easily get along, and instinctively know how the other person wants to be loved. The conjunction and opposition are most potent, and the trine and sextile are powerful, as well. These aspects indicate instant love and affection for one another, as well as a feeling of joy when you are together. These aspects can indicate a love that lasts forever. When this aspect is mutual, the love is even stronger.

  • Angelina’s Venus opposes Brad’s Venus
  • Paul Newman’s Venus sextiles Joanne’s Venus
  • David Beckham and Victoria Beckham have a Venus/Sun sextile double whammy
  • Paul McCartney’s Venus is opposite Linda’s Venus
  • Prince William’s Venus trines Kate’s sun, Kate’s Venus biquitiles Wills’ Sun
  • Danny Morder and Julia Roberts have a Sun/Venus bi-quintile double whammy
  • Stedman’s Venus is sextile Oprah’s Sun
  • John Lennon’s Venus is opposite Yoko’s Sun, Yoko’s Venus trines John’s Sun
  • Frank Sinatra’s Venus squares Nancy Sinatra’s Sun, Frank’s Sun squares Nancy’s Venus

Venus/Saturn Aspects : Saturn aspects in synastry are described as « relationship glue ». Saturn is the planet of commitment, while Venus is the planet of Love. As such, couples who have strong Venus-Saturn aspects (especially double-whammies!) in their Synastry charts have little problem committing to each other. These relationships are usually long-lasting.

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  • Joanne Woodward’s Saturn conjuncts Paul Newman’s Venus, Paul’s Saturn trines Joanne’s Venus
  • Victoria Beckham’s Saturn is conjunct David’s Venus, David’s Saturn is trine Victoria’s Venus
  • Cash Warren’s Saturn trines Jessica Alba’s Venus, and her Saturn sextiles Cash’s Venus
  • Julia Roberts’s Saturn conjuncts Danny Morder’s Venus, Danny’s Saturn quincunxes Julia’s Venus
  • Oprah’s Saturn quincunxes Stedman’s Venus, Stedman’s Saturn trines Oprah’s Venus
  • John Lennon’s Saturn squares Yoko Ono’s Venus
  • Ava Gardner’s Saturn squares Frank’s Venus